Johnny Billquist <bqt(a)> wrote:
|On 2016-07-11 04:00, John Cowan <cowan(a)> wrote:
|> Johnny Billquist scripsit:
|>>> Uh. I'm no language expert, but that seems rather stretched. English
Me too, unfortunately. I never learned old Greek, on German
Gymnasiums you now have to learn Latin instead of Greek, since
maybe after the last war, world war that is.
|Well, in Scandinavian the port side is called "babord", which comes from
|bare board, since that was the "clean" side, which you could dock on. No
For that the German word is "Backbord" -- and wether that is clean
depends: it seems to originate in "bak", related to "Backe", and
that is indeed "(ars)backe", which i won't translate unless
everybody has appropriate toilet support.