Hi Ted,
The reason why it's useful is that it's much
more likely to find
relevant lines of code by using "grep st_size *.[ch]". If you grep
for "size", there will be way too many false matches.
True, but hasn't static analysis come on since then? I don't use them,
but tools like
http://ffevotte.github.io/clang-tags/ build on clang's
work to allow queries like finding all mentions of st_size AFAIK.
They'll even cope with two different struct definitions with a st_size
kicking about and use the one you give as a seed reference.
I'm surprised with things like DWARF in ELF that compilers weren't used
to generate a super `ctags' longer ago. We had cscope, that was Bell
Labs IIRC. And then there's been GNU GLOBAL, GNU's idutils, ...
Cheers, Ralph.