On Sun, 31 Dec 2017, Kurt H Maier wrote:
I am confident ARPANET did not pin time to AEDT. Even
if you go by UTC
you've still got about fifteen minutes to wait for 1 JAN 2018.
So am I, but what reference *am* I supposed to use, FFS? The USA is
several zones behind UTC[*], and almost a whole day behind Australia
(where I live).
My "on this day" policy is to use the local time if it can be narrowed to
a particular zone where the event happened (and if it makes sense); if it
was universal e.g. moon landings then I'll use UTC; otherwise I'll use the
commonly-observed date e.g. the start/end of the world wars.
I'm open to suggestions (including FOAD, in which case I'll simply find
something better to do).
A lingering gripe that explains my latent anti-Americanism goes back to
when I had to support Uniplus 2.2/2.4 (sorta SysIII-ish) on the WICAT
boxes in here in Australia. At installation time, we had to express the
time offset as hours *west* of GMT; this left me with a lingering belief
that Americans didn't want to be perceived as being backwards (yeah. it
saved an entire keystroke out of the dozens that were otherwise required).
Dave Horsfall DTM (VK2KFU) "Those who don't understand security will