For 4.4BSD files, if no copyright and license is listed for specific
files, does the standard UCB license apply? Is there any file or statement
that says the license covers all files which don't have a specific license
in 4.4BSD-Lite ?
Any RCS commit history for old CSRG code?
I am looking for the authors/history/copyrights for BSD
I see that 4.4BSD-Alpha has:
r--r--r-- 3/7 792 Aug 26 05:00 1992 usr/share/mk/
r--r--r-- 3/7 3761 Aug 26 05:00 1992 usr/share/mk/
r--r--r-- 3/7 1574 Aug 26 05:00 1992 usr/share/mk/
r--r--r-- 3/7 4140 Aug 26 05:00 1992 usr/share/mk/
r--r--r-- 3/7 1244 Aug 26 05:00 1992 usr/share/mk/
r--r--r-- 3/7 1387 Aug 26 05:00 1992 usr/share/mk/
but missing the bsd.README
I couldn't find these in the other old 4 and 3BSDs (via the tuhs
The share/mk/bsd.README from NetBSD import in 1993 has:
# @(#)bsd.README 5.1 (Berkeley) 5/11/90
And has:
# @(#) 5.11 (Berkeley) 3/13/91
# @(#) 5.3 (Berkeley) 1/2/91
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