6th Edition used the Thompson shell as /bin/sh. I don't think it had
those capabilities. Sometimes you could find an early version of the
Bourne shell in /bin/nsh (new shell) in v6.
The 7th Edition made the Bourne shell /bin/sh. And there sometimes
you could find the Thompson shell in /bin/osh (old shell).
Will Senn wrote:
Login commands question:
I'm sure it's simple, but I can't figure it out. How do I get something
to run at login in v6? Right now, I use ed to create a file 'setprof'
that contains:
stty erase[space][backspace][return]
stty nl0 cr0
Then after logging in:
sh setprof
It works, but, it is pretty clunky.
stty question:
So, I looked at stty.c and it looks like the following should work, if
the terminal is sending ^H for backspace:
#define BS0 0
#define BS1 0100000
BS0, BS1,
BS1, BS1,
stty bs0
stty bs1
don't result in proper backspace handling..