Why Pascal is Not My Favorite Programming Language
- This sounds fun, not hard UNIX info, but fun
It's been around for a long time. A while back, I reconstituted
it, see
A Typesetter-Independent TROFF
- A ditroff-specific paper? Can't say I've seen such a thing, would
be interested in this one. I know someone (can't recall name/email)
in the GROFF mailing list seemed particularly excited about ditroff
information that could be gleaned from the UNIX/TS 4.0 docs, this may
be their golden carrot.
This is also around on the Internet.
If there's interest, I might could wheedle the original out of BWK.
A Walk Through AWK
- Somewhere between the original AWK paper and the AWK book?
I missed this in the original list. I'd love to have a copy of it!