Some guy on eBay has a flock of RL02 drives available (in New York, USA) for a
pretty reasonable price:
I just bought a flock of them, and they are in very good condition. They were
only recently withdrawn from service (at the FAA, so they were professionally
maintained up until they went), and were properly prepared for moving (heads
immobilized, _and_ the motor was locked down - very rare to see that last
step, as is involves finding the right machine screws - or having saved them).
They are late-production ones, too (looked, but couldn't find a date) - they
have the anti-RFI/EMI 'finger' strips (the kind that make a pressure-loaded
contact with the incoming connector shell), which I personally had never seen
on any RL0x drives.
Alas, they have no packs or terminators available, nor cables or slides (any
more :-). But other than that, recommended.