You don't remember that you've known me for
thirty years or so?
Hell, you used to help me out. Viktor and I and a couple of other
people built the predecessor of Jumpstart at Lehman Brothers like 25
years ago, it was called PARIS, and you were the one who did stuff
like telling us the secret IOCTL to to turn off sync FFS metadata
writes in SunOS so we could saturate our disk controllers during
installs. (I guess it wasn't that secret but it was a big help, we got
the bottleneck down to being network bandwidth and could install a
single workstation from "boot net" to ready for the trader in five
Heh, check this out:
$ call Viktor
Viktor Dukhovni 718-754-2126 (W/Morgan Stanley)
Sorry Perry, I had completely forgotten about all that stuff. Now that
you mention it, I do remember your install stuff, it was very cool.
But I'm horrible with names, when I was teaching at Stanford I'd have
students come up to me from a couple of semesters ago and I'd have no
idea what their names were. Sorry about that.
Anyway, I've also been doing this for quite a
while. Not as long as
many people here, I'm way younger than the people who were hacking in
the 1960s on IBM 360s (I was learning things like reading back then,
not computer science), but my first machine was a PDP-8e with an
ASR-33 teletype.
Well welcome to the old farts club, I'll cut you some slack :)
I still think you are missing the point I was trying to make,
it's amusing, a bit, that you are preaching what you are to me
as a guy who moved Sun in that direction. I'm not at all against
your arguments, I was just making a different point.