Matt - send me an email offline if you need more help. Warner speaks the
truth - although he left out some wizardry that has sadly been lost for
The first board he offers will create the interface that an IBM PC/AT
created which was originally not a standard either (eventually EIA back fit
it, in RS 232-E IIRC, but RS-232 C which is what the UNIX PC's interface
was defined does not use it].
From your email, it looks like AT&T out a standard Data Terminal Equipment
(DTE) pinning on the back of that system (which would make sense). That
means it should be a >>male<< 25 PIN (i.e. male) D style 'B-sized'
connector with pins 2 (TX), 4 (RTS), 20 (DTR) being driven; and pins 3
(RX), 5 (CTS), 6 (DSR), 8( DCD), 22 (RI) as inputs. With Pin 7 being the
signal reference ground and Pin 1 being the frame ground (often N/C - but
do not short to 7 on your board)
The signals should swing from +3 volts to up to +30 when assert as a
spacing time, and -3 to -30 volts marking time. However, anything over +/-
15 volts is unusual, but the interface is required to accept it.
Frankly, +/- 9 volts is most likely what you will see with the 1488/1489
driver pairs which were the preferred chips used in those days.
Amazon does not seem to sell an equiv that spits out real RS-232C using the
D connector, but rather this PC/AT variant, so you will need to make a
cable -- the good news is they do sell:
connect it to the cable I just mentioned -- at that point your
Mac/Windows/Linux Box will look like a Proper 'terminal' as the being
expected then if needed
a 25 pin null modem between it that the 3B1 such as:
whatever one you need M/M, M/F -- etc...
On Tue, Jan 3, 2023 at 7:58 PM Warner Losh <imp(a)> wrote:…
is my go-to for when I need a simple one, though something like…
might work better for your setup if you just have more of the TTL gear
than RS-232 gear (I have way too many old RS-232 cables because I never
know when I'll need them again...)
On Tue, Jan 3, 2023 at 5:46 PM segaloco <segaloco(a)> wrote:
> Nope, unfortunately I only know as much as is needed to plug into the
> GPIO RX/TX/GND working on single boards. I wouldn't be surprised if my
> assumption I just run these pins into the D-25 in the right holes is
> bunk...but that's how we learn sometimes. Once I move I should be able to
> setup a proper work bench where I can tinker on this sort of thing more
> intentionally rather than haphazardly. So perhaps a silly question for an
> expert but a valid one for me. I'll chase that angle and see if it bears
> fruit.
> - Matt G.
> ------- Original Message -------
> On Tuesday, January 3rd, 2023 at 4:40 PM, Warner Losh <imp(a)>
> wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 3, 2023, 5:30 PM segaloco via TUHS <tuhs(a)> wrote:
>> I'd love to get my hands on a 3B2 someday, this'll be cool if I can
>> it going but that'd be a much more robust machine.
>> I'm starting to suspect if there isn't any sort of boot ROM that spits
>> out commentary on the UART and that doesn't get flexed until UNIX is up, I
>> may not be able to get very far. I referred to
>> for the serial settings and it appears:
>> 9600 baud, 1 stop bit, no parity, 8 data bits
>> And the relevant pins
>> Pin 1 - GND
>> Pin 2 - RX
>> Pin 3 - TX
>> Pin 4 - RTS
>> Pin 5 - CTS
>> Pin 6 - DSR
>> Pin 7 - GND
>> Pin 8 - DCD
>> Pin 20 - DTR
>> So I've plugged my USB-TTY GND/RX/TX into the relevant pins and setup
>> the necessary tty settings. The manual then suggests if running null modem
>> mode to short pin 4 to 5 and then pins 6, 8, and 20 together, presumably
>> omitting any need for modem signalling from the remote machine, doing basic
>> serial RX/TX. Unfortunately even with all of this bypassing I get nothing
>> out of the RS-232 port. What I don't know is if I could even expect
>> something or if this is unlikely to bear fruit whether the hardware works
>> or not. In any case, if I do get this thing running I'll have a writeup for
>> folks afterwards. If not, then hopefully I can figure out something useful
>> to do with this thing rather than junking it.
> Silly question... did you level shift to RS 232 levels? You likely did...
> but if not...
> Warner
> - Matt G.
>> ------- Original Message -------
>> On Tuesday, January 3rd, 2023 at 3:53 PM, rob(a) <
>> rob(a)> wrote:
>> Hello Matt,
>> I’ve got one of these in my garage. I bought it about twenty years ago
>> as a working system but when I got it home I noticed that the hard disk
>> wasn’t connected but at some point I’d like to get it and my 3b2/300
>> working.
>> Regards, Rob.
>> On 3 Jan 2023, at 23:27, segaloco via TUHS <tuhs(a)> wrote:
>> And here are some pictures of the guts.
>> Various bits inside date this to late 1985. The good news is it at least
>> turns on, but that's about as far as I've gotten with it. The display
>> turns on, nor do I hear any sounds indicating it tries to start the CRT.
>> The fans kick on and there it stays until I turn it off. I plugged in a
>> USB-TTY to pins 2, 3, and 7 (RX/TX/GND) and listened at 9600 baud 8 bit 1
>> stop no parity and got nothing. Swapped the RX/TX, still nothing. Of
>> course, that's all predicated on the assumption there's something there
>> even interact with. I have little faith that whatever UNIX install was on
>> this is extant. Additionally, it didn't come with a keyboard, so if there
>> was some futzing with key combos that would trigger some sort of UART over
>> those lines, I can't do that. I wonder if there are some contacts inside I
>> can just poll for activity with this serial connector, not sure how safe
>> that is...
>> Anywho, the CPU has a bit of corrosion on the surface, not sure how that
>> bodes for the innards, but this is in kinda rough shape either way. I hope
>> I can salvage it but if not, I'm going to at least do some study on the CRT
>> particulars and see if I can extract and keep the monitor from it, been
>> wanting a smaller CRT to have around for a while.
>> - Matt G.
>> ------- Original Message -------
>> On Tuesday, January 3rd, 2023 at 12:20 PM, segaloco via TUHS <
>> tuhs(a)> wrote:
>> Good day everyone, just starting a thread for yet another project I'll
>> be tinkering on over time. Picked up a (presumably broken/untested) 7300
>> off eBay to at the very least tear down and get some good pictures of and,
>> with some luck, perhaps get working again.
>> Here are some pictures of the exterior for starters. I'll update this
>> thread when I've got pictures of the guts and also with any info I can
>> glean regarding whether this might be salvageable. The rust on the back is
>> pretty nasty but I've seen older/worse start up just fine.
>> - Matt G.