If there was some bright person here who had an idea as to how we might
honor these guys, in a way they would like, let's go. They are geeks
and we are too, seems like maybe someone could come up with an idea.
If that idea requires money then let me know, millions isn't in the
cards, but drop a couple of zeros and maybe we can do it.
Regardless of all that. kudos to Brian, Dennis, and Ken. And Joe,
because I still do my papers in troff, our invoices are in troff,
and our logo is in troff. Our website is in troff -ms format,
I wrote a perl script that generates the html.
On Thu, Jun 04, 2009 at 11:48:53PM -0400, Brian S Walden wrote:
So when do the official celebrations begin?
What's a good estimate
of the month and date in 1969 when it all began?
Tim Newsham
TUHS mailing list
Larry McVoy lm at
bitmover.com http://www.bitkeeper.com