Hi All.
Scott Lee, who worked with me on the Georgia Tech Software Tools
Subystem for Pr1me Computers, recently unearthed two tapes with
some version of that software. These may be the only copies
extant anywhere.
He says:
| I was cleaning out the basement of my house. They're 35 years old, but
| they've never been left in the heat or anything. I opened one of them
| up and checked the tape and it's not self-sticky or anything. The odds
| that they're readable is slim, because old 9-track bits tended to bleed
| through each other. You were supposed to spin through the tape every
| couple of years to make them last longer. That's obviously not happened.
There was discussion here a while back about services that will
recover such tapes and so on. But I didn't save any of that information.
If you have information, PLEASE send it to me so that I can relay it
to Scott.
Dennis Boone & Bill Gunshannon (are you on this list?) - I may ask you
to contribute $$ towards this once I know more.