On 6/23/2019 8:40 PM, Mary Ann Horton Gmail wrote:
I put the screenshots (literally - with my phone)
Note the preposterous claim that the 4/15/81 map is the "Backbone" - I
have no idea where that came from. The backbone was first proposed 2
years later. Clearly this is a full map of Usenet as of 4/15/81.
Mary Ann
On 6/23/19 4:57 PM, Grant Taylor via TUHS wrote:
>> I took some photos of the screen with the earliest maps (the ones
>> that fit on one screen.) So it's an option to type things in, at
>> least for the early ASCII ones.
> I'd be interested in seeing them. Do you have a place that you can
> upload them to?
I checked my maps and have a version from 1996 and 2000...
Ah for the days of being one hop from the house to !pyramid and the rest
of the world.