Nelson H. F. Beebe wrote in
|I did a lookup in the American Mathematical Society database for
|Schoens and Shoens; only the latter is found, in this article
| Data sufficiency for queries on cache
| Oded Shmueli and Kurt Shoens
| Information Processing Letters 65(4) 209--216, 27 February 1998
|The PDF file has "Shoens" as well.
| Diomidis Spinellis
| A repository of {Unix} history and evolution
| Empirical Software Engineering 22(3) 1372--1404 June 2017
|the article body also has "Shoens".
|In the TeX User Group bibliography archives, I find 7 entries
|with the spelling "Shoens", and none with "Schoens".
Thank you very much for your effort, Mr. Beebe.
|Der Kragenbaer, The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)
|..and in spring, hear David Leonard sing..
|The black bear, The black bear,
|blithely holds his own holds himself at leisure
|beating it, up and down tossing over his ups and downs with pleasure
|Farewell, dear collar bear