George Michaelson <ggm(a)> writes:
cat is capable of endless discussion.
cat thing | cat otherthing doesn't do what (some) people think.
cat thing | cat otherthing /dev/stdin does, but there's an ordering
point to be made.
cat thing | cat < otherthing /dev/stdin makes the ordering point. and
the number of lines seen.
I'm not sure of the point you are making with your last example, which
gave me pause. I had to run it to see what it does.
I correctly guessed that only one of thing or otherthing would be printed,
but I was not able to guess if the | or the < would take precedence.
Is there a simple reason why the < has priority over | for the stdin ?
If the < precedence was your point, why did you specify /dev/stdin ?
cat thing | cat < otherthing
makes the point.
Is there a finer point I am missing ?
Sorry for being dense. I'm happy, after more that 20 years of Unixing,
to see something new even with such supposedly basic commands. Thank you
for your brain twister.