Oh, I've got some. Not that old, 80's.
slovax - 11/750 that had the BSD sources on it. Spent many a happy
hour reading there and I've always had a personal machine
called slovax ever since.
mcvoy.com internally is slovax.
speedy - 8600 that was the main research/faculty machine. Also
Tokoyo Institute of Technology (TIT)
So the back story here is I was one of the Unix geeks doing a Unix
port to the ETA-10. TIT was taking delivery of a big liquid cooled
machine and of course we weren't ready. I got sent over with 3 tapes,
one was the baseline that was sort of checked in, one was my port of
Lachman (who bought it from I think Convergent)'s TCP/IP stack, and
one was some VM thing, I think big pages but I'm not sure.
They sent me over there with a small replica of our development
environment (Sun 3/260 file / compute server and 2 3/50 workstations)
and told me "Merge this stuff and install it, TIT wants all of it".
So I get to Tokoyo and the machines show up and I'm installing SunOS
and I have to name them:
3/260: BigTIT
3/50: LeftTIT
3/50: RightTIT
and I even put them physically how you would imagine.
It only lasted until they figured out what it meant but I didn't get
in trouble. Because a different story had just happened that had
made the Japanese sales guys bust up in laughter and they had taken
me out we all got shit faced a few days before I had to rename the
machines. Happy to share that story if anyone is still reading :)
The source machines that held the SCCS history before they went to
That's all I can think of for now, not sure if any of it is actually that
all interesting.
Larry McVoy lm at
mcvoy.com http://www.mcvoy.com/lm