Thanks for the reading suggestion. I've done a lot of work with n-grams.
Nice to see a pragmatic treatment of the subject. Too bad I didn't read
it back in school. BTW, Volume 1 UNIX System Readings and Applications
(reprint of 1978 BSTJ 57:6 part 2 - the UNIX issue) is available at:
And, volume 2 UNIX System Readings and Applications (1984 BSTJ 63:8 -
the 2nd UNIX issue) is also available, at:
Much cleaner than the other copies.
On 2/16/22 1:08 PM, Diomidis Spinellis wrote:
A description of text processing work at Bell Labs,
including the use
of trigrams for spell checking, readability analysis, and word class
assignment was published in the BSTJ.
L. E. McMahon; L. L. Cherry; R. Morris. Statistical text processing.
The Bell System Technical Journal, 57(6):2137-2154, July-Aug. 1978.
DOI: 10.1002/j.1538-7305.1978.tb02146.x
You can find it openly available online at:
The article was part of an amazing special issue of BSTJ devoted to
Unix. A second such issue, 63(8) was published on October 1984. In
the late 1980s both issues were also sold as books by Prentice Hall
under the title "UNIX System Readings and Applications". I broke the
bank buying them as a student, but didn't regret it.
Diomidis -
On 16-Feb-22 2:09, George Michaelson wrote:
> The trigraph spelling checker sounds wonderful.