On Saturday, October 6, 2018, William Corcoran <wlc(a)jctaylor.com> wrote:
Half the programmers in this world could not code
themselves out of a
brown paper bag. Sounds more like a software sewer than a great work of
Bill Corcoran
Exactly my thoughts too. Code inflation[1] is a huge problem today. There
was a day when one person could understand the whole UNIX kernel... now
with millions of lines of code in Linux and FreeBSD I don't think this is
possible anymore and definitely it is not fun. That is why you see more
and more paid code in Linux -- who else would like to debug this bloated
monster it became just for fun... like back in the days.
Programming these days (especially in bussiness sector with projects
written in C++ or Java) is not fun and I feel sorry for those poor people
that must maintain such projects.
We need to come back to simple and minimalistic systems, otherwise we will
all be buried soon underneath terabytes of unmaintainable bloated code...
[1] Code Inflation, Gerald J Holzmann