Larry McVoy <lm(a)> wrote:
On Mon, Mar 10, 2025 at 10:57:39AM -0400, Dan
Cross wrote:
So I don't think the specifics of whether
you put parentheses around
every boolean expression matter as much as whether you aggressively
commit to consistency everywhere and support that with tooling and
Amen. I've contributed to GNU C code, and while I _HATE_ their coding
style, my contributions were in that style. It's their house, their
rules, and Dan is spot on as to why that is important.
I agree 110% with Dan as well. And with Larry about GNU code.
Long ago I worked in a startup, and early on the developers got
together and wrote up a coding style to use. A year later a new
guy came on board, who refused to follow it. It was then
easy to see when what's-his-name had touched a part of the code. (I forgot
what his name was.) Quite annoying.
We foresaw that and ensured that different code could be reformatted
with indent.