-On [20030611 03:39], Michael Sokolov (msokolov(a)ivan.Harhan.ORG) wrote:
So if anything good comes out of this lawsuit it's
that maybe, just maybe, BSD
will finally get some attention and use over Linux. The Free Computing
community doesn't have to suffer any loss whatsoever if SCO wins, we can
instead just switch from Linux to the much better True UNIX, which is just as
free but a lot more solid, mature, and True. And stick it to SCO and laugh
diabolically at how they voluntarily made UNIX free without us having to seize
it by force in a revolution.
That's what I have been wondering about as well, it feels like the AT&T
versus the Regents of the University of Berkeley all over again.
But I'll stick to Free/Net/OpenBSD on slightly less archaic machines
though. ;)
Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven <asmodai(at)wxs.nl> / asmodai / a capoeirista
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And empty words are evil...