I've lugged these around for 35-ish years. I'd like to seem them
scanned and stored someplace as permanent as can be found, so if
someone/anyone could tell me how to facilitate that, I'll package
them for shipping.
My apologies if this has already been done and I'm simply not aware of it.
I have other stuff that probably needs the same treatment, but
excavating the alluvial layers that have accumulated will take time.
Single small-format red binder:
Unix System User Reference Manual - AT&T Bell Labs
Unix System Release 2.0
including Division 452 standard and local commands
October 1985
Set of four small format gray binders:
Documenter's Workbench 1.0, April 1984
1. Introduction and Reference Manual, 307-150, issue 2
2. Text Formatter Reference, 307-151, issue 2
3. Macro Package Reference, 307-152 issue 2
4. Preprocessor Reference, 307-153, issue 2
Set of two slip-cased small format maroon/gray binders:
Unix System V Documenters Workbench Release 2.0
1. Technical Discusion and Reference 310-005, issue 1
2. Product Overview 999-805-007IS, User Guide 999-805-006IS,
Reference Card 999-805-008IS, issue 1