FYI, the archives should already have Mini-Unix 6th Edition. (I provided
the "rescue" copy). As far as I know, it was an unaltered original, so you
ought to be able to compare yours with that one.
Jay Jaeger
At 12:04 AM 11/30/2003 +0100, you wrote:
Hi all,
Looks liek I ran into a bunchof really old and useful tapes
here. Two tapes come from Bell Labs, and seem to contain the
official Mini UNIX (Sixth Edition) and the official UNIX,
Seventh Edition.
Dennis (dmr): can you verify that Bell wrote these on magtapes
from Graham Magnetics, with blue inside label? All the stickers
and such seem "real". The V7 tape is dated 10/15/79, the V7 one
is from 1977.
Images available on request.. still wanna know if these are real
ones, or locally-modified ones.
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