So I've tested SIMH again with my reconstructed RF disk image, and this time it
worked. I must have used the s1 kernel and the unix-june72 init(7) when I previously
tested it, my bad.
sim> dep system sr 173700
sim> go 173700
:login: root
# ls -la
total 42
41 sdrwrw 7 root 80 Jan 1 00:02:02 .
41 sdrwrw 7 root 80 Jan 1 00:02:02 ..
43 sdrwrw 2 root 620 Jan 1 00:01:30 bin
147 l-rwrw 1 root 16448 Jan 1 00:33:51 core
42 sdrwrw 2 root 250 Jan 1 00:01:51 dev
49 sdrwrw 2 root 110 Jan 1 00:01:55 etc
54 sdrwrw 2 root 50 Jan 1 00:00:52 tmp
55 sdrwrw 7 root 80 Jan 1 00:00:52 usr
It's great that it works under SIMH... However, this still does not help with
installing this version of UNIX the intended way. The intended way is to boot from the s1
tape, which would load the cold kernel, initialise the RF, and provide you with a minimal
set of tools so that you could use tap(1) to restore the distribution from the s2 tape.
The showstopper here is the s1 tape - it is missing /etc/passwd, so you will not be able
to login when booted from s1.
sim> dep system sr 1
sim> boot tc0
HALT instruction, PC: 000414 (JSR R0,10762)
sim> c
:login: root
Can't open password file
Since you can't login, there's not much you can do :(. For now, my hand-rolled
RF disk image is the only way to get a working copy. My SIMH config file:
set cr disabled
set xq disabled
set rk disabled
set hk disabled
set rha disabled
set tm disabled
set rx disabled
set rl disabled
set tq disabled
set dci disabled
set cpu 11/20
set cpu 32K
set ke enabled
set rf 2p
set rf enabled
att rf s1s2unix_rf.img <-- RF disk image
set tc enabled
set tc locked
att tc s1.itp <-- s1 tape
load m792low.load <-- Modified UNIX ROM from unix-june72 project
dep system sr 173700
go 73700 <-- Low address used by the modded ROM
P.S. This kernel is unmodded, which means it supports only LF, not CR, so use ^J for