well after Unix had fledged, its developers at CSRC
found it necessary
and/or desirable to borrow back a Multics concept: they named it mmap().
As far as I know no Research version of Unix ever had mmap.
Multics had a segmented universal memory. A process incorporated
segments into its address space The universal memory was normally
addressed via a hierachical segment-name directory. With enhancement
to provide for multisegment "files", the directory could serve as a file
system and file I/O became data transfer between segments.
Unix originally imitated the Multics file system, but not the universal
memory. mmap(2) weakly imitates universal memory by allowing a process
to nominally incorporate a portion of a file into the process address space
at page-level granularity. However, an update is guaranteed to be visible
to the file and other processes only upon specific request.
Does anyone know whether there are implementations of mmap that
do transparent file sharing? It seems to me that should be possible by
making the buffer cache share pages with mmapping processes.