On Tue, 21 Nov 2017, Ralph Corderoy wrote:
I use that too; it picks up GB from one's
$ aspell config | grep _
# default: <language-tag> = en_GB
# default: <lang> = en_GB
# default: .aspell.<lang>.pws = .aspell.en_GB.pws
# default: .aspell.<lang>.prepl = .aspell.en_GB.prepl
Hmmm... I seem to be using en_US (I thought I'd set it to en_AU or
something); thanks.
In the past, I've fed corrections back to
aspell's author as bug
reports, typically with a link to
https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/panelling and they get into
a new release every now and again. He's moved to github, I see.
Thanks for that.
Dave Horsfall DTM (VK2KFU) "Those who don't understand security will