This email is two parts. I am researching 1970's symbolic name to
network address mapping routines.
1) I am looking for parsers for ancient (pre mid 1982) HOSTS.TXT. Since
this is Unix list, for Unix is fine :)
RFC 597 (12 December 1973) says a hostname list will be maintained at
the NIC with the location to be announced. (Interestingly NIC as in
FEINLER@NIC is probably a nickname as it is not listed in the host
status list. I am guessing it is a nickname for SRI-ARC or OFFICE-1.)
RFC 606 (December 1973) says there are different hosts lists, but "now"
there is "the official list of host names". It proposed that it should
be maintained online in machine-readable form. It proposes a format and
suggested attributes.
RFC 607 (January 10, 1974) the NIC agrees that NIC maintain a text file
of hostnames, addresses, and attributes. (It has also been suggested
separately.) The source is maintained in NLS format with multiple
attributes. (What is this NLS format?) A program could be written to
generate a weekly ASCII file. They will write the program and the
generated file will be at OFFICE-1 (IMP #43?) with pathname of
<NETINFO>HOSTS.TXT (It's not Unix. It's TENEX I think. The
">" is the
directory delimiter, but what is "<"?)
I have found a few copies of a hostname table, like and But these don't
appear to be the machine parseable files as defined in the RFC 608
format. These are just printed formats. (I have also found many of the
host status reports.)
Well I cannot find a copy of the HOSTS.TXT file anywhere. I am not
looking for the RFC 810 (1 March 1982) or later format (which is easily
may have copies of it (old format is OHOSTS.TXT). But I cannot figure
out if or where there are individual file downloads there. Any ideas?)
That leads me to my question ... does anyone know where parser code for
the HOSTS.TXT file is at?
2) I skimmed through some C code (for Unix) for sendmsg, mmdf, srvrftp,
mailer.c, telnet.c that use /dev/net/ followed by up to 14-character
hostname. I am trying to find the kernel code or routines that enable
device driver named with a hostname. Any ideas? (In particular I'd like
to know how those names map to a remote host's address.)
I am researching 1970's symbolic name to network address mapping
routines, but the only ones I have found are primitive: Purdue's "modest
UNIX network" using mx and Berkeley's Berknet (single letter hostnames).
But both use simple compiled-in name-to-address tables. (The Purdue
implementation looks interesting as it has some design to connect
between IMPs too, but I don't see any code for finding IMP numbers via
names. By the way, their "csh" tool was their "connected shell" to run
shell on a remote host. The manual had the list of hostnames in it. See
the Purdue usenix tape.)
Jeremy C. Reed
echo 'EhZ[h ^jjf0%%h[[Zc[Z_W$d[j%Xeeai%ZW[ced#]dk#f[d]k_d%' | \
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