On Tue, Jul 09, 2019 at 09:28:04AM -0700, Mary Ann Horton Gmail wrote:
I've succeeded in copying the files from floppy.
Thanks to everyone for the
great suggestions!
I used a USB-to-serial adapter, combined with PuTTY and the usual serial
tools (DB-9 to DB-25 adapter, gender changer, and null modem). I even dug
out my AT&T PC 6300 MS DOS manual for details on writing BAT files (although
the main script had a bad habit of exiting after the first file got copied).
I wound up calling a 3 line script separately for each file to be copied
over, and using PuTTY's scrolling history to save the files.
I've collected these and other old Usenet maps here:
I hope to display these (and hand out a few copies!) in Seattle this week.
Does anyone have anything put together that can easily do the "leroy" thing
described here:
and produce the graphical map it contains?
if nobody has a "leroy" at hand, I could give it a go using a slightly
more modern graph drawing stuff (starting from the same files). Just
Enzo Nicosia
[ ~.,_ Enzo Nicosia aka KatolaZ - Devuan -- Freaknet Medialab ]
[ "+. katolaz [at]
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[ (@@@) Twitter: @KatolaZ - skype: katolaz -- github: KatolaZ ]