I get two hits in this, aside from the bikeshed of 'what is the status
line telling me about things I am looking at' which is a disease Emacs
1) I use more, and the screen DOESNT clear when I finish. DOH!
2) I use less, and the screen DOES clear when I finish. DOH!
I kind of tend to 1. The 'clear' command works at a tty to flush
screen so for me, noting backwards scroll, less is 'more; clear'
But backwards scroll has been useful to me. Oh I know, I have
scrollbars on the terminal. But still. I don't like having to engage
the mouse for this stuff. I want commands, modal or otherwise to do
things which go to 'where am I, in the buffer'
Both are wildly complex. Who knew tail on a log was something
integrated into a pager? (I think it is for less. I don't think more
has that)