On Sat, Nov 08, 2003 at 06:00:57PM +0530, Philip,
Naveen J (Naveen) wrote:
I am trying to lauch a xterm window on a remote machine and then once the
xterm window is launched from the remote machine I am trying to start a gui
on the xterm window.
Naveen, this is a mailing list about Heritage Unix. I don't think
your question counts as such, unless you're running X11R3 on a Sun2
or something similar.
Speaking of X on Heritage Unix I have a Sun 3/60M with the 1280x1024 monochrome
display. The only display server I have ever gotten to work on it is on NetBSD
1.3 running the pre-XFree86 X11R6.
I'm wondering if there are any older UNIXes I could use. Does Sun still keep
SunOS 4 under wraps or can it be used for non-commerical purposes at no cost?
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