On 2020-07-06 20:11:43, Grant Taylor via TUHS spake thus:
So, I'm wondering if people are interested in
configuring TUHS and / or COFF
mailing list (Mailman) with topics. That way people could subscribe to the
topics that they are interested in and not receive copies of topics they
aren't interested in.
To clarify, it would still be the same mailing list(s)
as they exist today.
They would just have the to be utilized option of picking interesting
topics. Where topics would be based on keywords in the message body.
I'm just trying to gauge people's interest in this idea.
My preference would be to keep things the way they are.
I want to receive all list messages; I would not want to switch to an
arrangement where I was in danger of missing messages because my list
preferences config became a little stale.
a l a n d. s a l e w s k i salewski(a)att.net
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