On 7/29/2022 1:07 AM, Tomasz Rola wrote:
On Wed, Jul 27, 2022 at 10:13:04PM -0600, William H.
Mitchell wrote:
Phil Budne: Thanks for your CSNOBOL4
implementation! I’ve used it to show students SNOBOL4 in a comparative languages class at
the U of Arizona. (I was thinking your name sounded familiar!)
> On Jul 27, 2022, at 7:03 PM, Phil Budne <phil(a)ultimate.com> wrote:
>> Anyway, I have got Phil Budne's implementation
> C'est moi! SNOBOL came out of Bell Labs in Holmdel NJ.
> There was a SNOBOL3 implementation in Unix 6th Edition days called "sno".
Yes, I have had a look and it seems to be very nicely written
project. Oh, and there is plenty of Snobol4 code to look at, too...
Thank you.
Speaking of SNOBOL4, I typed up the SNOBOL code from the NRL Report 7948
(1975) titled "Automatic Translation of English Text to Phonetics by
Means of Letter-to-Sound Rules" by Honey Sue Elovitz, Rodney W. Johnson,
Astrid McHugh and John E. Shore, and made some minor modifications to
make it work properly with the windows/catspaw version of snobol/spitbol.
It might not be necessary to make those changes at all, with Phil's
version, I'll need to try that!
I have both the patched and unpatched versions at
https://github.com/Lord-Nightmare/NRL_TextToPhonemes and it does behave
correctly/matches the paper (at least the patched version does).
I recently (within the past month) discovered another later port of the
NRL ruleset from 1978 as part of Peter B. Maggs' ANGLOPHONE package for
S-100 systems, intended for use with the Computalker CT-1 speech
synthesis S-100 card. Apparently Rodney W. Johnson had continued
developing the rules even after the 1975/1976 publications of the NRL
report and the IEEE ITASSP version of said report, and I haven't updated
the bibliography on the github readme yet.
Jonathan G.
Jonathan Gevaryahu AKA Lord Nightmare