Your reference to sema(2) in CB-UNIX prompted me to go
check the source and curiously, that isn't in sysent.c:… (p. 50).
However, there is a sys5.c with some semaphore stuff in it. Not how the code gets from
the sigcall entry to that file, maybe there's a CB-specific syscall aggregator like
the sys3b systemcall for 3B20-specific stuff. It had never actually occurred to me that
the semaphores in SVR1 weren't the ones from CB-UNIX, I thought they just forklifted
all the IPC into 4.0 from CB. That then means the semaphores that carried through in
System V originated at least in UNIX/TS 4.0, but not by way of CB. Minor trivia, but
that's news to me. Maybe the sysV modification request logs can shed some light, I
remember seeing several IPC mentions in there.
- Matt G.
describes 'EVENT:O(2L), event - semaphore operations',
event() is system call 63 in cbunix6.pdf sysent
USG UNIX 4.0 and 4.1 IPC were not the same: