I browsed thru the blocks on my `Museum Format' v6 disk image,
and after a bit of work found a nice comment from the writers of the
* Optimized RK-11/RK03/RK05/disk driver
* Copyright (c) 1975, the Children's Museum.
* [...] In this
* format, block 0 is in its standard place so that
* boot programs can be put there; blocks 1 through
* NHRKBLK (2435) are located beginning at block #2436,
* all remaining blocks are between block 1 & 2435. the
* effect of this mapping is to centralize disk head motion
* about the center of the disk.
* the optimization is ideal for those RK's
* which serve as both root device and swap device. It
* is less than ideal, although probably still an
* improvement over traditional form, for RK's used
* exclusively as mounted file systems.
So, after a bit of dd(1)ing, I had my two Museum Format v6 disk images
into a form which could be read with a normal v6 system.