On 3/19/2018 2:40 PM, Tom Ivar Helbekkmo via TUHS wrote:
VAX C was still pretty awful in the late 90s, while their FORTRAN was
really excellent, not least because of the high quality optimizer.
I had a chance to try compiling a heavily-pthread'd queuing system I
wrote, using VAX C on VMS 6.0+, actually running it on a VAXSTATION-3200.
I originally developed it on Sun Solaris, but with minimal compatibility
issues, also ran on HP/UX, Linux, FreeBSD, etc.
It compiled on the VAX cleanly, needed some FIONBIO ioctl's (like
FreeBSD) and ran suprisingly well for what it was. A 10Mbps NIC could
only get so much data forced through it.
It could handle a few thousand threads before it became unusable, IIRC.
Good times.