On Sun, Dec 11, 2022 at 10:04:54AM -0500, Dan Cross wrote:
I think this is in line with Larry's question
about non-legacy
use-cases for these ancient serial transfer protocols in late 2022.
Indeed, this was just what I was looking for. I had no idea that
serial transfer protocols were still useful.
It makes me wish I had kept the source for quicknet, I wrote my
own file transfer and remote terminal for CP/M in the middle
1980s. I did it just because I wanted things to work a certain
way and none of the other options did what I wanted. quicknet was
really pleasant on a 128K Z80 (not really 128K because the screen
was mapped in there, but more than 64K). I spent many a pleasant
hour logged in to uwvax in quicknet, got a lot of work done.
Thanks to you and others who had shown that serial transfer still
matters. Who knew? You did.
Larry McVoy Retired to fishing