It seem to me to be sad statement that it takes this kind of work to get
the truth out, but it looks like my informal role as "Emeritus President"
of USENIX may pay a small dividend.
Rik Farrow, the current USENIX Board and I had a round of email yesterday.
It turns out a number of members of the USENIX Board have also has similar
or in one case worse experiences, with the Wikipedia folks -- so folks were
more than happy to see if they can help make it right.
Rik in his role as the editor of ;login is going to try work with Doug and
to get something "published" into the next edition which should satisfy the
Wikipedia folks. There is a minor issue is that Rik is technically past
the deadline but due to the holiday, there are a few days of grace that the
workers putting the issue together have said they will thankfully try to
So maybe we can have get this fixed shortly.
On Wed, Dec 23, 2015 at 8:53 AM, Clem Cole <clemc(a)> wrote:
On Wed, Dec 23, 2015 at 8:36 AM, Norman Wilson <norman(a)> wrote:
I'd like to see a published, citable
reference for the
true origin of `cron'. Even better, better published
material for a lot of the charming minutiae of the early
days of UNIX. (Anyone feel up to interviewing Doug and
Ken and Brian and whoever else is left, and writing it up
for publication in ;login:?)
I just sent Rik a note and asked him to make it so.