On May 2, 2020, at 10:45, Larry McVoy
<lm(a)mcvoy.com> wrote:
... But truth be known, I'm sort of a printf() debugger. ...
So am I, and ISTR Brian Kernighan and Larry Wall saying that they are, as well. Over the
years, I've written some scripts to make this less painful. For example, in Ruby, I
use the et() script, as written up in
l = %w[ context~ dir_path# file_path foo.bar bar[:baz] ]
This produces the following output:
some_script:72:in `main'
context { :foo => "yada yada yada", ... }
file_path "a/b/c"
foo.bar :warn
bar[:baz] 42
I also have a tiny Elixir script, ii/2, which works nicely in pipelines:
|> ii(:foo)