"Appeal to Authority", or "Argument from Authority", one of the
fallacious argument methods. I think there are many "experts" who learn
just enough about a topic to write a book about it, the idea seems to
be, to become an "authority" on a topic, to sell more books and gain
more authority and notoriety. I've read many good books by brilliant
authors who not only could write about certain topics, but were actually
some of the inventors and developers, who then explained it all to us so
we could make more things practically work. And then there are
slapped-together books of technically trendy slogans and simplistic
contrived examples. I like to read books in the former category, the
latter, not so much. We can tell the difference by whether the books
give us anything we can use - and this is usually more in the realm of
ideas, rather than code snippets or "design patterns". The way I like to
think about things, anyway.
On 11/21/2024 06:53 PM, Dan Cross wrote:
[TUHS to Bcc:, Cc: COFF]
On Mon, Nov 18, 2024 at 11:47 AM Anton Shepelev <anton.txt(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Dan Cross <crossd(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Programmer ability is certainly an issue, but I
would suggest that
another goes back to what Rob was alluding to: compiler writers have
taken too much advantage of UB, making it difficult to write
well-formed programs that last.
Following the letter, rather than the spirit, of
the standard?
Pretty much!
My sense is that tossing in bad programmers is
just throwing gasoline
onto a dumpster fire. Particularly when they look to charlatans like
Robert Martin or Allen Holub as sources of education and inspiration
instead of seeking out proper sources of education.
I am a bad one as well, to
have liked some things in Martin's books
/Clean Code/ and /Clean Architecture/ . True, heis no Wirth, nor
Dijxtra, nor Knuth, but why a charlatan?
Briefly, because he writes with
unwarranted confidence, and just isn't
a very good programmer himself.
He writes with an authoritative voice about things that he doesn't
know very much, if anything, about. For example, the things he's
written about static typing in programming languages are complete
nonsense. Sriram Krishnamurthi called him out on that
https://x.com/ShriramKMurthi/status/1136411753590472707) and he did
not respond well, doubling down on his unfounded opinions
Later, he justified his opinion by making allusions to the amount of
time he's been programming
https://blog.cleancoder.com/uncle-bob/2021/06/25/OnTypes.html) Hey,
when it comes to logical fallacies centered on appeals to length of
experience, well...I swooshed a basketball for the first time more
than 40 years ago, but I've given up any dream I may have ever had of
being a point guard in the NBA. Just doing something for a long time
doesn't mean you're good at it.
Robert Martin doesn't write production-quality code, period. He claims
to "ship" lots of code, but acknowledges that most of that is example
code for his books and personal side-projects. But the code examples
he has publicly available are not particularly well-structured,
readable, or maintainable. For a particular egregious example, see
(not the current commit; he modified it somewhat after I sent him
which he did not acknowledge; see
for the timeline).
And while that small program is a particularly bad example, other bits
of his code are also bad. Ousterhout was asked to comment on his
"extract till you drop" approach and presented with a "refactoring"
Martin did of a program due to Knuth
Ousterhout responded that he was "bewildered and horrified" by the
approach. As Ousterhout put it, "He has taken 25 lines of code that
are pretty straightforward and easy to understand, and turned them
into 38 lines with 9 methods, none of which has a stitch of
documentation. What was the point of this?"
These are all typical of Martin's approach. Hence why I say the man is
a charlatan. Others have written at length about why, and how, his
advice is generally bad.
- Dan C.