On Sun, Jan 24, 2021 at 12:45:13PM -0800, Jon
Steinhart wrote:
power to kill NeWS. One of the leaders of this
was Apollo, and according
to folks that I knew there, they felt that their networking was better
than Sun's, but they lost because Sun "gave away" NFS.
Small hijack because I couldn't help it :)
As someone who has used Apollos side by side with Suns (this was before
I went to work at Sun, around 1987), to say Apollos were better at
anything than a Sun was a joke in bad taste. If I remember correctly,
they were both based on 68020s, so same baseline. Apollos just sucked,
their networked file system was slow as molasses. In spite of having
dozens of Apollos available to me, and just one Sun file server, the first
thing I did at that job was to port the cross compiler from Apollo to Sun,
that one machine was faster than anything I could get done on a pile of
Apollos. I hated them.
So I never liked Apollos much. What I was referring to was Apollo's claim
that their token-ring network performed better for large numbers of nodes.
And they were correct. However, they didn't consider the eventually
invention of switches that solved the problem.