I chanced upon a brochure describing the Perkin-Elmer Series 3200 /
(previously Interdata, later Concurrent Computer Corporation) Sort/Merge
II utility [1]. It is instructive to compare its design against that of
the contemporary Unix sort(1) program [2].
- Sort/Merge II appears to be marketed as a separate product (P/N
S90-408), whereas sort(1) was/is an integral part of the Unix used
throughout the system.
- Sort/Merge II provides interactive and batch command input modes;
sort(1) relies on the shell to support both usages.
- Sort/Merge II appears to be able to also sort binary files; sort(1)
can only handle text.
- Sort/Merge II can recover from run-time errors by interactively
prompting for user corrections and additional files. In Unix this is
delegated to shell scripts.
- Sort/Merge II has built-in support for tape handling and blocking;
sort(1) relies on pipes from/to dd(1) for this.
- Sort/Merge II supports user-coded decision subroutines written in
FORTRAN, COBOL, or CAL. Sort(1) doesn't have such support to this day.
One could construct a synthetic key with awk(1) if needed.
- Sort/Merge II can automatically "allocate" its temporary file. For
sort(1) file allocation is handled by the Unix kernel.
To me this list is a real-life demonstration of the differences between
the, prevalent at the time, thoughtless agglomeration of features into a
monolith approach against Unix's careful separation of concerns and
modularization via small tools. The same contrast appears in a more
contrived setting in J. Bentley's CACM Programming Pearl's column where
Doug McIlroy critiques a unique word counting literate program written
by Don Knuth [3]. (I slightly suspect that the initial program
specification was a trap set up for Knuth.)
I also think that the design of Perkin-Elmer's Sort/Merge II shows the
influence of salespeople forcing developers to tack-on whatever features
were required by important customers. Maybe the clean design of Unix
owes a lot to AT&T's operation under the 1956 consent decree that
prevented it from entering the computer market. This may have shielded
the system's design from unhealthy market pressures during its critical
gestation years.
Diomidis -