This is a BA23 box with what looks like an early PDP-11/23 in it. You
have it upside down on the photo, so it is best to turn it over, or else
the power supply will burn out because of overheating. The power switch
should be at the top. It has a RD53 70 MB Micropolis harddrive and a
TK50 95MB tape drive. Since it has four serial ports, one of which is
the console, I think it has a CPU card without a serial console port on
it, which makes it an early one. In those cases a separate four port
serial card was installed, with the first port set to the console
address. I have such a system in my collection.
Brad Midgley wrote:
This sounds like a Digital BA-11 of some sort. It
could be something
as early as a pdp 11/20, 11/05, 11/34, 11/35, or as late as a 11/24
or 11/44 -- possibly others.
I think the toggle switches on the front need to be set right and the
terminal settings need to be guessed at to talk over serial. The pics
probably don't reveal much but they're easier than describing it.
I don't have the inclination to tear it open.