On 26 Feb 2017, at 14:19, Michael Kerpan <madcrow.maxwell(a)gmail.com> wrote:
My supposition is that EMACS was basically Stallman's attempt to bring in all the
things he liked about the LISP Machine environment into the Unix world through the back
I think this is at least partly right, although either RMS didn't like most of the
really interesting things about the LispM environments or he was not involved in many of
the developments which made them interesting: I suspect at least partly the latter as he
presumably stopped being involved when Symbolics became seriously independent from the MIT
AI lab and/or the hardware became too divergent (the 3600 I guess: I don't know if
the AI lab had lots of those, they were certainly eye-wateringly expensive for those of us
bought up on Suns). It may also be that a lot of the LispM stuff was genuinely hard to
support on hardware which, for instance, wanted to distinguish between the OS and userland
in any serious way until much later, although I'm reluctant to believe that.
Slightly more on-topic, it seems to me really interesting that both the LispM & Unix
environments really aim at providing comfortable places for programmers to work in, and
specifically for the people writing the OS to work in (as opposed to some other OSs which
clearly were more aimed at production applications) but they did it in such enormously
different ways. Some of this has been fairly well-explored I think, by the famous
'worse is better' paper & its successors, but I don't think that's
the whole answer.
Both Unix and the LispMs encourage a way of working where you build little tools to do
things, often things that get used only a few times, but the *way* you do that is
completely different. And Unix is ultimately the better answer I think, because you can
build a LispM-type environment on Unix but you can't realistically do it the other
way around (the filesystem on LispMs was not up to what you'd want to run a
Unix-style world on top of it, for one thing).
So I don't think that this has really been sorted-out yet: certainly I'm
confused and I've spent a lot of time in both worlds.