So excuse me but
i wrote:
|Diomidis Spinellis <dds(a)> wrote:
||the company's decline and the eventual takeover by Manessmann (1981) and
|I think you mean Mannesmann. (But man-eat-man is indeed nice,
|though the hectical meltdowns and incorporations of entire
|companies for a little bit of revenue for unknown reasons is
|pretty common. Maybe cutting off history might be an idea, the
|Khmer Rouge went the same direction, did they. (Really correct
|would be manissmann/manißmann, then, as in man-eat!-man...))
As opposed to Man-it!-man, a.k.a. "Manify it!, Fellow." that is to
|I wish Christians a nice Easter feast.
More that is: the intelligent sheep waits with the descent of her
children until thereafter. (The ones around here do. ^.^)