On Fri, Jan 27, 2023 at 06:01:03PM +0100, Angel M Alganza wrote:
I find the ratio signal/noise of Reddit far too low to
use it as a regular
news source for me. For technical news, there is Hacker News (HN), which in
place of a voting system, has a tipping system which rewards with small
amounts of money the more interesting/useful posts and comments.
I left hacker news a few years ago for two reasons:
A) the signal noise ratio, as a systems person, is awful. They talk about
trivial stuff like it is a big deal. There is very little in the way
of interesting stuff there. It all sounds technical until you look
into it, it's 98% fluff.
B) There is some paid(?) schill there who stomps on anyone saying anything
bad about Roundup. Cancer got my dad, he got it from Roundup.
Every time I tried point out I had personal data on the topic (and all
you have to do is google Roundup and cancer and you get a bizillion
law firms who want to represent you), this schill jumped on me.
I complained to the admins and they did nothing, so I left. They
were getting more out of me than I was getting out of that site
so sucks to be them.
On the signal/noise on reddit, /r/news is reasonable and not that
different than Google news other than it shows up on reddit first.