On Tue, 24 Apr 2018, Warren Toomey wrote:
Tape label: System Source Disk
DD format URK? BS=24B count=203 800bpi 9track
UNIX System Source 1 of 1
A distribution of UNIX source from UNSW, with several changes. record0.gz is
an RK05 image laid out according to the `Boston Children's Museum' format
(i-nodes in the middle). Latest file timestamp is Jan 24 1978. There is only
kernel source, plus a `unswbatch' directory. The latter seems to hold the
source to a UNIX batch system developed by Ian Johnstone and other at the
School of Electrical Engineering at UNSW.
Odd; I could've sworn that "URK" was un-rotated i.e. traditional format;
are you sure about that?
And "unswbatch"... Ahhh... I must take a look at that distribution some
time, to see whether it has my fingerprints on it; Kevin Hill and I
totally rewrote the system, throwing out IanJ's rubbish, with him doing
the application stuff ("submit" etc[*]) and me doing the driver. After
that, it actually worked (once I'd figured out a nasty bug in KRONOS'
UT-200 driver, that led to a POLL/REJECT loop).
I did a memorable hack to "submit" once; you see, we had an old VT-05
in the fishbowl, facing outwards for the sheeple, and it displayed the
batch queue (by title) in real time. Well, me being me, I hacked up the
aforesaid "submit" command to take multiple arbitrary files as input with
a specified title, so for a while it displayed "xxx... LLAMAS ARE
BIGGER THAN FROGS" (job names were 8 characters, and I have no idea
how that will display in people's MUAs)..
(I *think* I was actually working for them at that time.)
Dave Horsfall DTM (VK2KFU) "Those who don't understand security will