Yesterday, I came across the file Berkeley_Unix_History.pdf on
my disk. It contains scanned articles of UNIX Review January 1985,
October 1985 and January 1986. Searching the web brought up this
online location for the file:
I read the articles for the first time and had a great time doing
so. Especially the ``Berkeley Underground'' article was pure fun!
Here, have some impression:
We modified the kernel to
support asynchronous I/O, distri-
buted files, security traces, "real-
time" interrupts for subprocess
multitasking, limited screen
editing, and various new system
calls. We wrote compilers, ass-
emblers, linkers, disassemblers,
database utilities, cryptographic
utilities, tutorial help systems,
games, and screen-oriented ver-
sions of standard utilities. User
friendly utilities for new users that
avoided accidental file deletion,
libraries to support common
operations on data structures
such as lists, strings, trees, sym-
bol tables, and libraries to perform
arbitrary precision arithmetic and
symbolic mathematics were other
contributions. We suggested im-
provements to many system calls
and to most utilities. We offered to
fix the option flags so that the dif-
ferent utilities were consistent
with one another.
To Us, nothing was sacred,
and We saw a great deal in UNIX
that could stand improvement.
Much of what We implemented, or
asked to be allowed to implement,
is now a part of System V and 4.2
BSD; others of our innovations are
still missing from all versions of
UNIX. Despite these accom-
plishments, it seemed that
whenever We asked The Powers
That Be to install Our software
and make it available to the rest of
the system's users, We were
greeted with stony silence.
Unfortunately, the scan is not complete as some pages are
missing. For example, page 43 (the title page of the mentioned
article) is among them.
Does anyone know where to get the full articles?