The thing about ed that is missed by johnny-come-latelys who mock it for
its lowness is that it was so much higher than most, if not all the
commercially available text editors of its time. The gold standard was
perhaps Son of Stopgap, whose very name tells you the state of things.
I remember spending a couple of days baking inside a radio telescope
control cabin implementing a miniature version of ed in forth just so I
work more effectively on the task to come.
On Wed, Jul 8, 2020 at 5:22 AM Norman Wilson <norman(a)> wrote:
Dave Horsfall:
A boss of mine insisted that we all learned "ed", because one day it
be the only editor available to you after a crash; he was right...
Besides which, as The Blessed Manual said in every
Research edition:
ed is the standard text editor.
Norman Wilson
Toronto ON
(typing this in Toronto qed)