Working with the 1st Edition UNIX code has been a blast. I just thought I'd
quickly summarise the features of the 1st Edition. It's quite amazing the
system that had been written by the end of 1971:
- a multitasking system with up to 16 processes
- multiple users
- a hierachical filesystem, with empty directories used as mountpoints
- read/write file protection for user/other (no group), plus the
execute and set-userid bits
- i-nodes, and filenames separated from i-nodes, allowing hard links
- device files
Just as interesting is the fact that, out of the 33 system calls in 1st
Edition UNIX, only one has disappeared completely from modern UNIXes;
four have merged into signal(), and a few have morphed into other syscalls:
V1_RELE 0 /* release the CPU, i.e. pre-empt this process */
V1_EXIT 1 exit()
V1_FORK 2 fork()
V1_READ 3 read()
V1_WRITE 4 write()
V1_OPEN 5 open()
V1_CLOSE 6 close()
V1_WAIT 7 wait()
V1_CREAT 8 open(path, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY, mode);
V1_LINK 9 link()
V1_UNLINK 10 unlink()
V1_EXEC 11 exec()
V1_CHDIR 12 chdir()
V1_TIME 13 gettimeofday()
V1_MKDIR 14 mkdir()
V1_CHMOD 15 chmod()
V1_CHOWN 16 chown()
V1_BREAK 17 brk()
V1_STAT 18 stat()
V1_SEEK 19 lseek()
V1_TELL 20 lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_CUR);
V1_MOUNT 21 mount()
V1_UMOUNT 22 umount()
V1_SETUID 23 setuid()
V1_GETUID 24 getuid()
V1_STIME 25 settimeofday()
V1_QUIT 26 signal(SIGQUIT,...)
V1_INTR 27 signal(SIGINT,...)
V1_FSTAT 28 fstat()
V1_CEMT 29 signal(SIGEMT,...)
V1_SMDATE 30 utimes()
V1_STTY 31 fcntl(), tcsetattr()
V1_GTTY 32 fcntl(), tcgetattr()
V1_ILGINS 33 signal(SIGILL,...)
The fact that we are still using these system calls today speaks volumes
for the original design.