On Thu, Sep 19, 2019 at 05:46:13PM -0400, Steve Nickolas wrote:
On Thu, 19 Sep 2019, Arthur Krewat wrote:
Serious question:
Which is better, creating a whole new binary to put in /usr/bin to do a
single task, or add a flag to cat?
Which is better, a proliferation of binaries w/standalone source code, or
a single code tree that can handle slightly different tasks and save
art k.
I would argue that the more "Unix" way to do it is have the multiple
binaries. One job, one tool, and chain them together to make bigger tools.
That worked when we were running on 64K machines. Modern machines do
a lot more and the problem space is not always a pipeline.
You aren't going to write a web server by spawning
cat | encrypt | http_servlet
That doesn't scale. At all.