To get files into a 4.3BSD SIMH system the easiest way is with a Python
script that blockifies the file by outputting a 32 bits length (say 0x400),
then that many bytes, then the length again, and repeat for next block
until done. There is also a Perl version floating around which is popular
for canned SIMH scripts/packages. Then you mount this file on tm0 (if I
recall) in SIMH and then in the emulated system it appears at /dev/mt0. I
normally use tar in conjunction but it's not necessary (note star is a
highly compatible tar implementation, I think it is by Joerg from this
list, although I use actual 4.3BSD tar compiled for Linux and I think gnu
tar also works mostly). I can send the details later, I am using phone atm.
On Mar 11, 2017 4:52 AM, "John Floren" <john(a)> wrote:
Thanks Warren and Geoff,
Two problems:
1. 403 forbidden on that tarball
2. What's the best way to get these files into a running 4.3 system?
On Fri, Mar 10, 2017 at 2:49 AM, Warren Toomey <wkt(a)> wrote:
OK, Geoff Collyer has built the C-News binaries
for the 4.2 emulated
systems. They are temporarily at
Does someone want to try and get them up and running on an emulated
Also, I've build a 4.3BSD version of the emulated uucp systems. It's a
separate branch at You can get
by doing:
git clone \
--branch 4.3BSD --single-branch
Once it's solid enough I will make this the default branch, but I'll
leave the 4.2BSD branch there as well.
Thanks Geoff!