they’d not done any computing at UNSW.
Laurence Fisher at U Chicago ‘created the data base’.
UNSW Faculty of Commerce / Accounting created the first "Information Systems”
department & courses in 1974 under Cyril Brooks.
AGSM at UNSW was created in 1976, with Ball & Brown working together again.
On 12 Feb 2024, at 04:04, Ball, Ray wrote:
Thanks for your interest.
Neither Phil nor I had any exposure to computing at UNSW.
With one exception we both started our programming with Fortran on the U Chicago 7094
(with job flows scheduled by a 7040).
The exception is that in the summer of 1966, before leaving for Chicago, I interned at IBM
in Sydney working on a 360, but that was pretty simple stuff.
On 10 Feb 2024, at 17:47, steve jenkin
<sjenkin(a)> wrote:
While Ball & Brown studied in Faculty of Commerce, they obviously had enough of a
in ‘computing’ and data collection / handling / analysis to set the stage for their 1968
In 1971, Fortran IV was taught to first year students in Science, using John M Blatt’s
(of UNSW) textbook.
It’s not unreasonable that Finance & Accounting had courses or training in Computing
5 years before that.
Within 10 years, they were both back at UNSW, running AGSM, teaching & using Digital
research methods,
based solidly on Unix…
Steve Jenkin, IT Systems and Design
0412 786 915 (+61 412 786 915)
PO Box 38, Kippax ACT 2615, AUSTRALIA